Snooker Leagues

Our Snooker Ladder League is up and running. It’s free to sign up! Details can be found here:

Snooker Ladder League


Our snooker league restarts on Monday 3rd October 2022.

League / Cup fixtures and results will be shown on here once everyone has registered.

To sign up please leave your name, membership number, and contact details at the club and pay the entry fee (cash only) OR send us a message via Facebook. You’ll need to do this a.s.a.p because spaces go quickly.
Cost: £20 – cash only.
Price of the lights to be shared equally between players.
Prizes: – depends on the number of players in each division and how many people actually play all of their games, but probably –
£150 for each division winner.
£75 for second place
£50 for the highest break in each division.
Everyone who signs will be entered into the Castle Snooker Cup
With a further £100 up for grabs, £50 for second place, and £50 for the highest break.


Open to annual members only

League matches are to be played over 4 frames.

A 2-week time limit to play your matches will be given for each fixture. Any match not played in that time will be scored as a draw.

Please only sign up if you can commit to playing at least once per fortnight.

Fixtures can be played in advance at any time and are listed online.

New players to be added to each division based on ability and my discretion.

Cup matches are best of 5 frames (first to 3).

Re-spotted black to be played if the frame is tied.

Each frame should last no more than 1 hour. If a frame is not finished after an hour, the frame can be ended and the player with the most points will win.